// BEGIN: 2010-04-21 lee.hyuntae @btb
private static final ContentObserver sContactsObserver = new ContentObserver(new Handler()) {
public void onChange(boolean selfUpdate) {
Log.d("foxil","contactObserver call invalidateCache()");
if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) {
log("contact changed, invalidate cache");
// END: 2010-04-21 lee.hyuntae @btb
public static void init(final Context context) {
// it maybe too aggressive to listen for *any* contact changes, and rebuild MMS contact
// cache each time that occurs. Unless we can get targeted updates for the contacts we
// care about(which probably won't happen for a long time), we probably should just
// invalidate cache peoridically, or surgically.
// BEGIN: 2010-04-21 lee.hyuntae @btb
Contacts.CONTENT_URI, true, sContactsObserver);
// END: 2010-04-21 lee.hyuntae @btb
; contentResolver에 db를 감시하는 contentObserver 메서드를 사용하면 리스너로 사용할 수 있다.